We Offer a Range of
Services to Meet Your Needs

RockSol Consulting's Transportation Engineering design group excels in delivering on our commitment to excellence and impactful work. With a comprehensive approach encompassing environmental assessments, impact studies, and meticulous planning for roads, highways, bridges, and transit infrastructure. The team's proficiency spans the entire project life cycle, from initial scoping to construction and maintenance, ensuring a cradle-to-grave approach for transportation improvement assets.
In the domain of Value Engineering, RockSol stands out for its participation in studies focused on cost-saving analysis and enhancing project value, performance, and quality. Adhering to AASHTO Guidelines for Value Engineering, the team provides recommendations grounded in extensive expertise, contributing to optimized and efficient project outcomes.
Stressing the importance of collaboration, Stakeholder Coordination is a key focus for RockSol. Our project managers excel in aligning with project owners, stakeholders, and design teams, ensuring that unique project needs are seamlessly integrated. This collaborative approach extends to public involvement, outreach with various agencies, and coordination among adjacent design projects to foster a cohesive and successful project environment.
RockSol's Transportation Engineering design group consistently delivers high-quality solutions through its key focuses, contributing to the success of numerous noteworthy transportation projects.

RockSol's Traffic Engineering team is highly experienced and focused on providing comprehensive traffic engineering solutions that prioritize safety and long-term sustainability. The team's emphasis on ADA and PROWAG compliance, as well as considering future maintenance activities, demonstrates our commitment to creating accessible and enduring transportation systems. Our expertise in traffic signal, ITS, V2X, and communication network technologies including fiber optic and wireless media further highlights our ability to address the evolving needs of modern transportation infrastructure. RockSol's Traffic Engineering team is well-equipped to deliver innovative and effective traffic engineering solutions that enhance safety, accessibility, and long-term viability. The extensive practical experience of the Traffic Engineering team is a significant strength. Having real-world experience in the construction, maintenance, and operation of various transportation technologies provides significant value for clients. This valuable knowledge is incorporated into our design projects, ensuring a practical and realistic approach that considers the challenges and complexities of implementation and long-term upkeep.
Additionally, our ability to provide construction management and inspection services for transportation technology projects, regardless of their complexity, further demonstrates our comprehensive understanding of the entire project lifecycle. This combination of design expertise and practical experience makes RockSol's Traffic Engineering team a valuable asset for any transportation project.
RockSol Consulting's Structural Engineering design group encompasses several key focuses, each contributing to the our commitment to excellence in transportation and structural engineering. Conceptual Structural Design is a pivotal aspect where RockSol engineers collaboratively determine structure dimensions and create layout drawings, aligning configurations with project layouts and providing essential cost estimates. Moving to Preliminary Structural Design, the team conducts detailed site assessments to ensure efficient and constructible structure types, producing a comprehensive structure selection report and preliminary layout drawings for bridges, emphasizing profile and depth alignment. In the Final Structural Design phase, RockSol's seasoned engineers specialize in various structure types, employing rigorous analysis to ensure components exceed applied loads and operate within service limits.
Our commitment to safety is paramount, with a dedicated Safety Critical Review process ensuring contractors' compliance with safety requirements for various elements, including bridge demolition, formwork design, and post-tensioning. Offering comprehensive Post-Design Services, RockSol's team assists in critical construction phases, providing construction engineering services, reviewing shop drawings, and offering problem-solving expertise. A distinctive strength lies in ABC Technologies Implementation, where the group leverages Accelerated Bridge Construction methods, utilizing prefabricated elements and providing owner verification support. Notably, RockSol's involvement in monitoring Colorado's first highway bridge moved into place using self-propelled modular transporters showcases their expertise in minimizing construction impacts and ensuring successful project outcomes.

RockSol Consulting's Geotechnical Engineering design group plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of construction and transportation projects they assist on, emphasizing expertise and a commitment to excellence. Subsurface Investigations are a cornerstone, where the team conducts comprehensive studies, including soil and rock investigations and laboratory testing, utilizing a range of field procedures from conventional drilling to geophysical testing. The group's proficiency extends to Pavement Analysis & Design, leveraging state-of-the-art methods for pavement management, structural requirements determination, and analytical modeling, all while meeting FAA Pavement Design and AASHTO mechanistic-empirical principles.
Foundation Design is another focal point, showcasing RockSol's use of advanced computational methods for shallow and deep foundations, employing software like SoilWorks and L-Pile. The group's capability extends to Retaining Wall Design, involving geotechnical investigations for various retaining wall types, and utilizing software such as Slide 2018 and MSEW. Addressing Slope Stability & Landslide Analysis, RockSol's geologists and geotechnical engineers provide comprehensive services for assessing stability in rock and soil slopes, incorporating numerical modeling expertise.
The team excels in providing Construction & Soil Improvement Recommendations, offering designs for excavation support systems and expertise in soil stabilization alternatives, such as lime-stabilized soil and grout injection. Through the comprehensive experience and dedication of RockSol's Geotechnical Engineering group, RockSol upholds its commitment to "great people doing great work," delivering the highest quality in geotechnical engineering services to meet federal, state, county, and city requirements.
RockSol Consulting's Construction Management Services exemplify a commitment to excellence in project delivery. Key focuses include Post-Design Support & Constructability Review, proving instrumental in correcting plans and saving resources. In Project Administration, the team provides comprehensive oversight, acting as the owner's representative and ensuring compliance with specifications. With expertise in Schedule Analysis, RockSol ensures accurate reporting and compliance with contract requirements. The Construction Management and Inspection staff, certified in various areas, guarantee compliance with construction activities. Materials Testing capabilities span a broad range, supported by a fully accredited laboratory. RockSol
s Documentation Expertise is evident in our understanding of CDOT and federal project requirements, with retired DOT finals engineers ensuring meticulous quality reviews. Our services reflect a holistic and quality-focused approach to construction management.

The RockSol Team has four in-house accredited laboratories.
Our laboratories offer a broad spectrum of testing services, from standard soils, concrete, asphalt, and aggregate tests to complex procedures tailored to specific project requirements. Adhering to industry standards like AASHTO, ASTM, FHWA, and state DOT methods, we frequently conduct Colorado DOT tests and employ state-of-the-art techniques. Our skilled testing technicians are well-versed in AASHTO, ASTM, state DOT, and regulatory agency specifications. For Colorado DOT projects, we follow Colorado Procedures (CP) and Colorado Procedure – Laboratory (CP-L) procedures. Our technicians have extensive experience in state and federal laboratories, conducting specialized testing for design and construction projects. We cover various materials tests, including concrete and asphalt mix design testing. See below for a list of primary tests conducted by RockSol, and feel free to inquire about additional test methods not listed.
RockSol Consulting's Environmental Engineering group plays a pivotal role in the our commitment to environmental stewardship in transportation and structural projects. NEPA Studies and Environmental Planning are at the forefront, with the team collaborating seamlessly with engineers and clients to create accurate plans that consider environmental impacts during design. This involves conducting surveys, writing project specifications, designing mitigation plans, and formulating Stormwater Management Plans (SWMP) for every construction project. The team is adept at meeting the diverse environmental needs of city, county, state, and federal stakeholders.
For federally funded projects requiring NEPA compliance, RockSol's environmental team navigates the intricate NEPA process, completing necessary surveys, NEPA decision documentation (EIS, EA, Categorical Exclusion), and consulting with regulatory agencies. Realistic mitigation measures are developed, minimizing impacts to environmental resources during construction.
In Environmental Permitting, our team demonstrates a deep understanding of permits essential for transportation projects, complying with federal, state, and local environmental regulations. This involves managing permits related to MS4, Clean Water Act Section 404, General Stormwater Construction, and more. The team is also well-versed in processes governed by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Office of Federal Lands Highway (FLH).
The group excels in Environmental Compliance, with construction management and environmental inspection staff holding certifications in various areas such as stormwater management, erosion control, and Clean Water Act compliance. Working closely with project owners and operators, RockSol ensures compliance with permits, project specifications, NEPA mitigation measures, and conducts weekly stormwater inspections. Through these key focuses, RockSol's Environmental Engineering group exemplifies a dedication to environmentally responsible practices in the pursuit of high-quality project delivery.